Thursday, May 16, 2013

Heart of Darkness summary 23-30

Marlow after 15 days he arrive with some difficultly to the Central Station and he saw his steamer getting sunk  , Marlow start to remember his first interview with the manager and his face expressions then an agent was talking with Marlow about Mr.Kurtz that he is a very good agent of the company and that a rumor said that he will arrive to the station , the next day Marlow go to work in the station and he stay a few months there . Later in one night Marlow listen two men talking about Kurtz and the steamer accident , there was the manager and his spy talking ,then Marlow enter to the conversation, then the manager invite he to his room and Marlow see a young aristocrat that is in a bricks making business , but in the station they don`t had bricks , after that the brick-maker arrested Marlow and Marlow asked he if he know hwo is Kurtz and the brick-maker answered that he is the chief of the Inner Station.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Conventional medicine vs Alternative medicine essay

   Conventional medicine it is better than Alternative medicine?

It`s better have consciousness about medicine because you will know in the momwnt wich type of medicine its better.

The alternative medicine, first it has a high cost and sometimes it causes damages to the health more than curing it, second is more a psychological help than a real treatment and third this kind of medicine is not well studied so you are having a high risk if you are using this medicine , furthermore some herbs are harmful to health.

The conventional medicene is used by all hospitals and all properly qualified doctors and surgeons in every country on the planet thus you are taking more hope to the doctor , also people live longer and healthier lives than ever before due to advanced medical technology and for last another important point is that conventional medicine has erase infectionsk,bubonic plague and other diseases that were a big problem before it came along. conclusion the best medicine is the conventional becauseis an studied medicine and take less risk than use alternative medicine , also the conventional medicine is used by professionals doctors and surgeons, however, the alternative medcine have doctors for do the job , but they are not professionals.

It is important for understand this type of medicine for in a emergency know wich type of medicine you need to choose.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Summary "Heart of Darkness" page 20-22

 Marlow is describing a white man that is the chief accountant of the station , Marlow had to wait ten days living in a hut in the yard and sometimes he went to the accountant`s office and he describe the office, then he was thinking about hwo is Mr.Kurtz then an agent appear to talk about Mr.Kurtz and Later Marlow get out of the station with a caravan of sixty men and that what danger they will have.