Marlow after 15 days he arrive with some difficultly to the Central Station and he saw his steamer getting sunk , Marlow start to remember his first interview with the manager and his face expressions then an agent was talking with Marlow about Mr.Kurtz that he is a very good agent of the company and that a rumor said that he will arrive to the station , the next day Marlow go to work in the station and he stay a few months there . Later in one night Marlow listen two men talking about Kurtz and the steamer accident , there was the manager and his spy talking ,then Marlow enter to the conversation, then the manager invite he to his room and Marlow see a young aristocrat that is in a bricks making business , but in the station they don`t had bricks , after that the brick-maker arrested Marlow and Marlow asked he if he know hwo is Kurtz and the brick-maker answered that he is the chief of the Inner Station.
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