Cumulative project 1ºmedio Language B
“Traditional or alternative
1.- Research:
Some characteristics of the insomnia is that having
difficulties to sleep , lack of energy , concentration difficulties ,
difficulty of staying asleep , depression , bad mood , irritability , affects
the physical and psychological state of the person , chronic stress and sleep
deprivation , etc. The woman’s have this illness more than a man , also the
ages it involved of this disease because an adult have more problems and stress
than a child that generate the insomnia and personal problems in your work and
in your life.
It produce by poor sleep habits , worry and anxiety ,
Lack of activity , trying too hard to sleep , depression , some drugs that have
secondary problems , alcohol , caffeine , nicotine , menopause for woman’s , an
inadequate environment , nightmares , change of hour in bedtime ,pregnancy can
cause insomnia , poor nutrition family problems and sometimes are the bad
habits in your life that generate insomnia
also some diseases that produce the insomnia like obesity , hyperthyroidism , etc.
Ones of the most commons symptoms are: Difficulties to
sleep , stress ,anxiety , depression ,poor sleep habits like don`t have an a
regular time to sleep also the consume
alcohol , nicotine and caffeine during the night are the most common symptoms.
A patient can use psychological help, therapeutic massage,
hygiene sleeping program like going to bed just when you are sleepy, don`t
drink alcohol, don`t smoke nicotine during bed time, etc. Also the patient can
do relaxing sports like yoga and tai chi. The psychological help can take more
and less 3 weeks if the patient have an a normal insomnia or 1 month or more if
the patient got a chronic insomnia, the therapeutic massage take 1 hour and
hygiene sleeping program take more and less 1 week or more if the insomnia of
the person is normal the same as the practicing of relaxing sports. The
advantages of this treatments are that the patient don`t take any risk doing it
and the bad side is that it take more longer curing this disease.
person has more possibilities to cure using alternative medicine because some
sleeping peels or drugs have secondary effects that could give you more
diseases like sleepwalking, amnesia, drowsiness and more severs diseases, and
with the alternative medicine you don't take any dangerous risk.
6: Resources that can be used for insomnia are Natural
herbs such as valerian have been accepted as over-the-counter remedy in some
Western and anti-anxiety herb called kava, which is helpful for anxiety-related
insomnia. They are also used other remedies or cures, such as therapy against
this disease, therapy is used for insomnia comes into the category as psychological
7. If the person use home remedies like sleep
just when you are sleepy , don`t change the sleeping habits ,do at least 30
minutes of sports in the day ,etc. The patient will don`t need to pay , but if
the patient have a gravely insomnia will choose a psychological treatment that
will cost one session like 90 U.S dollars and a therapeutic massage will cost
25 U.S dollars if you choose the anti-stress massage (recommend it for the
8: In Chile, health is funded by the state of Chile.The President of the Republic of Chile heads this branch. It is a monistic Executive as President performs the functions of Head of State as well as the head of government and this state reflects the healthy.A diference the U.S. ministry of state finances so well that one can have a good quality of life which gives the state unlike other paisces which is the opposite financing is more difficult in these countries, people have to work and strive more, luckily that's not the case in our country because every day is getting better and perfected foreigners like other countries.
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