Sunday, June 16, 2013

Heart of darkness summery 30-37 brick maker comes back and explaining everything to Marlow that he wants to be assistant manager and Kurtz’s presence has messed it up. He wants Marlow and his connections to help him out.Marlow allows the brick maker to think that he actually has influence in Europe just to get more information about Kurtz.While the brick maker start to talk about the problem, Marlow stops listening and becomes fascinated by the eerily silent forest in front of him.Marlow start to talk about that he hates lies very much.Suddenly, Marlow stops the narrative to the men aboard the Nellie. He says the listeners are lucky because they can "see" more of the story than he could when he was experiencing it all since it has now fallen dark aboard the Nellie and the listeners cannot see Marlow or each other ,then he get back to the story. His objective is to repair the steamboat, which requires rivets, and get on his way.When Marlow finally tells this to the brickmaker, the guy stops sucking up and changes the topic , something about a hippo that scare the men at night.After this, Marlow runs into the foreman sitting on the deck. They dance madly because they think rivets are coming in three weeks, but it turns out no rivets are coming.Instead of rivets, the Eldorado Exploring Expedition, a renegade group arrives. They are led by the manager’s uncle who are with his nephew. Marlow hate them both ,Marlow thinks Kurtz is better than both of them.

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