I think that the best way to cure the insomnia is the alternative medicine because the insomnia is more a psychologicl problem than a disease . The insomnia consist on sleeping problems and in my view the conventional medicine will not help in this disease.
First the alternative medicine in the insomnia not only the patient doesn`t take any risks , but also it is cheaper than conventional medicine and can be free if you use home remedies , like eat lettuce at night , don`t sleep during the day , etc. The patient will think that conventional medicine it`s better because they have professionals and remedies that will cure it , but it`s not true the remedies cn provide secundary effects like sleepwalking , amnesia , vomit , etc.
Second if you don't want or you don`t have time to dde the home remedies the patient can go to a psychologhy that depending of the type of the insonia that you got will take longer if is dangerous , also you can take an anti-stress massage that will probabily cure it instantly, this treatments are cheaper and will not take too much.
Finally I think an I sure that it that this medicine is the best way to cure this disease because it don't take to long , is cheaper and it is secure thus will give the patient more confience and satisfaction.
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